United We Stand, Period!

United We Stand, Period!

As many of you know, I am in the middle of the Where’s Tony? Never Give Up Roadshow. It was months in the making and parts of it were quite an ordeal. In fact, I had to wait 3 months for my Altima’s license plates. This particular roadshow was about never giving up on God, our country, people or our dreams. Early in the trip, I even survived a freak accident to the Altima that could have shut the trip down right there.

I love both the United States and Mexico very much. Besides their shared borders, they are joined at the hip in many other ways, including shared cultures and histories. They are an expansion of Europe into the New World. Then the colonists made their new lands their own, including independence for each country, in time. For many reasons, what happens in one country will most definitely affect the other.

Most of you have read or seen my activities for years. Do you remember when Facebook had a section called Causes? A cause that I created around 2010 was called Save The United States First And Then The World. If my memory serves, it had 200 plus participants before Facebook diminished or did away with Causes.

I love world history. Over the years, I have studied the histories of Great Britain, Russia, Europe in general, Nazi Germany and to an extent, China. Going back even longer, I’ve studied the Roman Empire, Greece under Alexander the Great, Carthage and ancient Egypt. One of the great lessons is that those who do not make a study of history and learn its lessons, are destined to repeat its mistakes.

Over the years, I have done a tremendous amount of writing and media works. As a Son of the American Revolution through my mother’s side of the family with familial roots going back to 1640, I have written a number of articles on the United States of America. With familial roots going back to 1680, I have also written articles and stories on Mexico and its traditions. For both countries, I have written on their past, present and future.

I believe in a strong, unified United States and also a strong, unified Mexico. In fact, I have written 7 articles on Unifying Americans using the words of Abraham Lincoln, who held the country together during the American Civil War. I think that his words hold the key to avoiding a future civil war in the United States. I have also written a series of articles on World War Three.

Going back to my media works, I have spent at least several thousand hours, if not more, over the years in social media and social networking. I have created or managed many pages on Facebook. Besides the 2,000 plus articles, I have created over 200 YouTube videos, 30 plus blogs, and posted many thousands of times to most of the popular social media platforms. While we are living in some amazing times with some marvelous tools that allow for instantaneous access to information and communication, I have several major concerns:

1. For many of us, our dataphone is our go to, for “everything”. In the process of this, traditional forms of face-to-face communication, person-to-person social interaction, and for some, even phone conversations have gone by the wayside. When we have disagreements, it is easy to “block” or “ghost” the person that we disagree with.

2. As much as I know about social media and social networking, there are many who know much more than I do and would make me look like a beginner in comparison. But, after years with my fingers on the pulse of social media and networking trends, I have seen the sinister side of it. As a result, I have concluded that enemies of the United States and Mexico from outside of their shores and also from within their country are determined to divide and polarize the American and Mexican populace to the point where there is no turning back.

I have truly great and well-connected people that love me and that I would trust with my life. Some of them are ex-military. They made sacrifices to serve and protect the United States of America to this day. They are worried for America’s future.

Also, among those who love and are close to me are people that are deeply religious. They are worried about the future, too. They think that difficult times and tremendous hardship are coming. While I respect everyone’s belief system, I am Christian by choice. In Acts, it says that “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17 NIV) This has already begun and with increased frequency to a lot of people. In fact, I have written articles and stories after some of the dreams that I have had.

The point of this long introduction is this:

If we don’t reverse this march into chaos soon, hell on earth is coming. Approximately 600,000 Americans died in the War Between The States. If there is a future civil war, the bloodshed will be in the millions. World War 2 witnessed the deaths of approximately 60 million people. If there is a World War 3, hundreds of millions will die. Alarmingly, it will go nuclear, even if only tactical nuclear weapons are used.

So, it begs the question:

To what extent would you go to stop a future civil war, World War III or both?

The answer is a simple one, even though the implementation is devilishly difficult. The citizens of the United States of America must remain solidly and determinedly united. This means that each citizen must accept and even defend the right to a fellow American’s political differences. Most Americans are politically just to the right or just to the left of center. However, America’s enemies at home and abroad use social media and social networking to make the gulf as wide as possible. One post that I recently read said this: “To the 29% that still support this imbecile, you are the dumbest people on the planet.” We must see through this attempt to inflame and nip it in the bud by disenthralling ourselves from it as often as possible. This simple solution also works for the citizens of Mexico.

Why must our enemies’ resort to this tactic? Because they know that they cannot defeat the United States Armed Forces in a head-to-head fight. In fact, the only possible way that it can be done is to destroy the United States from within. That is being done through their expert and focused use of social media and social networking.

But I think that we have to be more proactive than just disenthralling ourselves from posting and passing along media that is designed to cause division among the citizenry. We must be proactive by celebrating at every opportunity the things that unify all of us:

1. Our love of a higher power.

2. Our love of self.

3. Our love of family.

4. Our love of friends.

5. Our love of community and the groups that we are a part of.

6. Our love of sense of accomplishment at work and in service to others.

7. Our love of our city, state and country.

8. Our love of the freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of our U.S. Constitution.

9. Our love of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

10. Our thankfulness that we live in one of the greatest countries of all time.

11. Our love of peace.

(While I was mostly talking about the United States, these 11 things can also be modified for Mexico. I mentioned before that both countries were joined at the hip. Both must remain strong to overcome anything that comes their way. If one is destabilized, it will become a major threat to the stability of the other.)

I think that the celebration of these 11 important things must be done at the grassroots level in dedicated and regular events that in time spread like a wildfire across the United States and Mexico.

If we are successful in this, then we may avoid another civil war. It is also quite possible that if Mexico, Canada and the United States stand together, we just might be able to stop or delay World War Three, too! (In future articles in this series, I will share ideas about how we can set up these “celebrate unity” gatherings. I will also write an article about what we should do if we cannot stop or delay what is coming our way.)

Until next time!

Anthony Cota

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